

This subsection aims to detail the two types of data used in this project:

  1. Reference models, which refers to the data catalogs of the Copernicus Service’s services such as CMEMS, the one we are the most interested by in GFTS.

  2. Tag data, that corresponds to any information and measurements from a tagged fish, ranging from the name of the tagging campaign to the temperature/pressure time series.

Here a brief overview of what each section guides you through:

  • Create Kerchunk catalog for CMEMS and its 3D version show how to build a reference model.

  • Read parquet kerchunk catalog illustrates how to load an already built reference model saved on the S3 bucket.

  • Create a Reference Model with virtualizarr presents another way for building reference models, this time with a recent library called virtualizarr.

  • One the other hand, Tag Data Preparation describes one way of processing raw tag data.

  • Copernicus data exploration and Reading CMEMS Copernicus data from GFTS s3 bucket illustrate how to wrap several reference models into a single YAML intake catalog.

The rest of the chapters focus on visualization of the different data.